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Uncanny me, but interesting we,

Unknown silence within us...

Unwanted touch of you on to my soul,

When you were never here in me...

When I felt you in my heart,

When I, but strange human

Who gave shapes to clouds

Who called names to creatures,

so to become the creator!!!

I created....

To find truth with in

To create images without you

in our soul for us!!!

Copyright © 2009 Vim

2 Signatures:

what is this about? are you angry at the creator? or in love with the creator? or neither?

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 8:49:00 PM PST  

I am the creator...and I am angry and in love with myself...its a game of love, hate, holding self back and letting go!

Friday, January 30, 2009 at 12:59:00 AM PST  

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