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I miss you,
when I am happy
I am sad
I am busy
I am all alone
when I find a new thing
when I create
when I am curious
when I want to see the world
when I have money
when I am poor
when I am myself
and you are you
when life is beautiful
when life sucks

I miss you.......
I miss you at all parts of my life

but your one doubt,
one slap
one blame
one YOU
brings me back
to the same life
where I want to hate you
I want to kill you
I want to run away from you
I want to stay be away from you
where life sucks
where world breaks for me
where I am not I
and you are still YOU
I want to be more of myself
& alone

Then starts the life of Missing you
when I am alone
when life sucks
when I hate the world
and when you are you...

and I am no more

I, me, mine and myself....

copyright © Vim
March 25th, 2008

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